This school is to take control back of your life and overcome the challenges that we face in life.

Go from a prisoner of your mind, to the WARRIOR of our temple

Hi, I'm Ryan McCarthy

I was addicted to drugs from age 11-18. in 2015 I decided to become sober.. in the first 2 years of becoming sober was the biggest challenge of my life, from suicide ideation and planning to not being able to leave my bedroom due to shaking and anxiety attacks to even say hello to my best friend.

Since then I started up an online presence called @mental_health_experience where i advocate for mental health while also creating content to help people through their challenges. With this I also started up my podcast 'OneTalk Podcast' where i add value from myself and the guests that i bring on to add more value to the listeners life.

I also have worked in the mental health field since 2019 dedicating my times to help and support as many people as I can.

I am now an online coach as well, bringing all my experience, value, knowledge, and skills to expand the amount of people i can help and support and to make a bigger impact

We all have a reason to be here, lets find and embrace that


OneTalk Podcast

Ryan has his on Podcast show called 'OneTalk Podcast'. On this podcast Ryan offers value on mental health and mindset from having open conversations with a new guest every week

The past doesn't define you

We tend to believe who we were 5 years ago is who we are now.

Who you decide to show up NOW defines you, not the past.

Make the decision to access your true potential

Leading By Example

Leading by example..

In high school I purposely skipped work I had to do so I wouldn't have to publicly speak.

Years later i now run events, facilitate groups and speak on stages.

This came from putting the work and dedication into ME.

YOU can achieve anything you want in life


We can change our life by understanding our mind